• One Mic Stand x the Forward Prize

    19 February

    Special edition of One Mic Stand in partnership with The Forward Prizes will bring top performance poets from across the country!⁠

  • Be Part of History: The Pan-African Legacy Project

    In partnership with the Imperial War Museum and Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive.

    We’re calling on regirants and alumni from all backgrounds to join a project celebrating 80 years since the historic Pan-African Congress in Manchester.

Weekly Workshops 

We offer free weekly writing and performance workshops in Greater Manchester for young people aged 13-25, led by skilled facilitators and accomplished poets.

As a member, you can access specialist workshops, training sessions and more! 

Our artist facilitators, experienced, empathetic, and confident in their craft, provide opportunities for connection and engagement with other aspiring young writers in the community.

For facilitators to deliver community projects, in schools and more, get in touch via our Contact Us page.

From the National Theatre, Nuyorican Poets Cafe, and Schaubüne Berlin, Young Identity poets have been commissioned to perform all over the world, recognized as some of Manchester's most decorated young poets on the circuit.

Explore their projects, performances, and commissions.

No Disclaimers Press

Young Identity’s in-house press champions talented, underrepresented writers, offering support and a platform for those ‘at risk of excellence’.